Object: To study Ping program. And run Ping command with
following options on command prompt and describe what the output signifies.
(1) –t
(2) –a (3) –n count (4) –I size
(5) –f
[-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size]
[-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]
[-r count] [-s count] [[-j
host-list] | [-k host-list]]
[-w timeout] destination-list
Pings the specified host until
To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break; To stop - type Control-C. |
Resolve addresses to hostnames.
-n count
Number of echo requests to
-l size
Send buffer size.
Set Don't Fragment flag in
-i TTL
Time To Live.
-v TOS
Type Of Service.
-r count
Record route for count hops.
-s count
Timestamp for count hops.
-j host-list
Loose source route along
-k host-list
Strict source route along
-w timeout
Timeout in milliseconds to wait
for each reply.
Using the ping command
If you are having
connectivity problems, you can use the ping command to check the destination IP
address you want to reach and record the results. Theping command displays whether the
destination responded and how long it took to receive a reply. If there is an
error in the delivery to the destination, the pingcommand
displays an error message.
You can use the ping command to:
- Ping your computer (by address, not host name) to determine that TCP/IP is functioning. (Pinging your computer does not verify that your network adapter is functioning.)
- Ping the local router to determine whether the router is running.
- Ping beyond your local router.
Output :
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