Sets, Relations and Functions:
Sets, Subsets, Power sets,
Complement, Union and Intersection, Demorgan’s law Cartesian products,
Relations, relational matrices,
properties of relations, equivalence relation, functions ,Injection, Surjection
and Bijective mapping, Composition
of functions, the characteristic functions and Mathematical
Proportions & Lattices :
Proposition & prepositional
functions, Logical connections Truth-values and Truth Table, the algebra of
prepositional functions-the algebra
of truth values-Applications (switching circuits, Basic Computer
Partial order set, Hasse diagrams,
upper bounds, lower bounds, Maximal and minimal element, first and
last element, Lattices, sub
lattices, Isotonicity , distributive inequality, Lattice homomorphism, lattice
isomorphism ,complete lattice
,complemented lattice distribution lattice .
Groups and Fields:
Group axioms ,permutation group, sub
group, co-sets, normal subgroup, semi group, Lagrange theorem,
fields, minimal polynomials,
reducible polynomials, primitive polynomial, polynomial roots, applications.
Finite graphs, incidence and degree,
isomorphism, sub graphs and union of graphs, connectedness, walk,
paths, and circuits Eulerian graphs
,tree properties of trees, pendant vertices in tree, center of tree
,spanning trees and cut vertices,
binary tree ,matrix representation of graph, incidence and adjacency
matrix and their properties,
applications of graphs in computer science.
Discrete Numeric function and
Recurrence relation:
Introduction to discrete numeric
functions and generating functions introduction to recurrence relations
and recursive algorithms, linear
recurrence relations with constant coefficients, homogeneous solutions,
particular solutions and total
1. J.P.Trembley & R.P.Manohar
“Discrete Mathematical Structure with applications to Computer
2. Kenneth H. Rosen-203 “Discrete
Math & its Applications” 5th ed.
3. K.A. Ross and C.R.B. Writht
“Discrete Mathematics “.
4. Bernard Kolman & Robert C.
Busby “Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science”.
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