Friday, 5 July 2013

MCSE- 204 System Programming

Overview of language processors, Elements of assembly level programming, Design of assembler ,
Macro definition, Design of Macro preprocessor , Relocating and linking concepts , Design of linker ,
Programming Environments .
Aspects of Compilation, overview of the various phases of compiler , Scanning, Syntax error handling ,
Symbol table conceptual design , Intermediate Code conceptual Design , Intermediate code interfaces ,
Dynamic storage allocation techniques , Dynamic Programming code generation algorithm ,Principal
sources of optimization , Approaches to compiler development. Register allocation techniques.
Concurrentisation and vectorisation of programs .
Unit –III
Motivation and overview, Structure of a Parallelizing compiler. Parallelism detection: data dependence,
direction vectors, loop carried and loop independent dependences.Compilation for Distributed Machines
Data partitioning, instruction scheduling, register allocation, machine optimization. Dynamic compilation.
Introduction to code optimisation. Classical theory of data flow analysis. Bi-directional data flows. Unified
algorithms for data flow analysis. Program representation for optimisation - SSA form, etc.Efficient code
generation for expressions. Code generator generators (CGGs ). Code generation for pipelined
Design Issues in distributed operating system, Networking Issues , Communication Protocols , Message
Passing , RPC in heterogeneous environment , Resource allocation ,Algorithms for Distributed control .
Distributed Deadlock detection ,Mechanism for building Distributed File System, Distributed shared
memory , Distributed scheduling .
Resource Security and Protection: The Access Matrix model , Advanced models of protection,.
Cryptography, Authentication, Multiprocessor System Architecture , Structure of multiprocessor operating
systems , Process synchronization, scheduling , Memory management, Fault tolerance. Case studies
:Unix Operating system, Amoeba, Andrew.
1.Dhamdhere, Systems Programming and Operating systems, TMH
2. Keith Cooper , Engineering a Compiler , Elsevier Pub
3.Mak , Writing compilers and Interpreters , Wiley India
4.Singhal & Shivaratri , Advanced concepts in Operating Systems, TMH

5.Sinha , Distributed operating system , PHI

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