Saturday, 3 August 2013

MCTA – 301(F) Ad-hoc Network

1. Ad Hoc Networking : An introduction, Model of operation, symmetric Links, Layer-2 Ad Hoc solutions,
Proactive versus reactive protocols, multicast, commercial Applications of Ad Hoc networking, conferencing,
Home Networking, Emergency services, personal Area Networks and Bluetooth, Embedded Computing
Applications, Sensor Dust, Automotive/PC Interaction. Factors Affecting Ad Hoc Networks, Scalability, Wireless
Data Rates, DARPA packet Radio network, Survivable Radio Networks.
2. Ad Hoc Wireless Media Access Protocols: Issues in Designing a MAC protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless networks.
Design Goals of a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Classifications of MAC Protocols. Contention-
Based Protocols, Contention-Based Protocols with reservation Mechanisms. Contention –Based MAC Protocols
with Scheduling Mechanisms. MAC protocols that use Directional Antennas. Other MAC Protocols.
3. Overview of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols: Table-Driven Approaches, Destination Sequenced Distance Vector
(DSDV) , Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP), Cluster Switch Gateway Routing (CSGR) , Source-Initiated On –
Demand Approaches . Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) , Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) ,
Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA), Signal Stability Routing (SSR) , Location-Aided Routing
(LAR) , Power – Aware Routing (PAR), Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP), Source Tree Adaptive Routing (STAR) ,
Relative Distance Microdiversity Routing (RDMAR) , Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Existing
Ad Hoc Multicast Routing Protocols, ABAM : Associativity-Based Ad Hoc Multicast.
4. Transport Layer for Ad Hoc Wireless Network : Introduction , Issues in Designing a Transport Layer Protocol
for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Design Goals of a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,
Classification of Transport Layer Solutions, TCP Over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Other Transport Layer
Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
5. Quality of service in Ad-hoc wireless networks: Issues and challenges in providing QoS in Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks, Classification of QoS Solutions, MAC Layer Solutions, MAC Layer Solutions, Network Layer
Solutions, Qos Frameworks for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
6. Energy Conservation : Power Life Issues: Power Management, Advances in Device Power Management,
Advances in Protocol Power Management, Power Conservation by mobile Applications, Periodic Beaconing On
Battery Life, Standalone Beaconing, HF Beaconing with Neighboring Nodes, Comparison of HF Beaconing with
and without Neighbors, LF Beaconing with Neighboring Nodes, Comparison of LF Beaconing with and without
Neighbors, Deductions, Conclusions, Smart Batteries and Battery Characteristics, Effects of Beaconing on Battery
7. Sensor Network: Sensor Network Architecture, Network Protocols, Data Storage and Manipulation, Localization
and Management, Data Dissemination, Data Gathering, MAC protocols for Sensor Networks, Location Discovery,
Quality of a Sensor Network, Evolving Standards.
8. Security issues in Ad Hoc Network: Security in Ad Hoc Wireless Network, Network Security Requirements,
Issues and Challenges in Security Provisioning, Network Security Attacks, Key Management, and Secure Routing
in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Books Suggested:
1. Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks : Protocols and Systems, C. K. Toh, Springer.
2. Ad Hoc Network, C E Perkins, Pearson Education.
3. Ad Hoc Wireless Networks : Architectures and protocols, C, Siva Ram Murthy and B.S. Manoj, Pearson


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