Saturday, 3 August 2013

MCTA – 302(C) Embedded Systems

Unit 1
Description and attributes of an embedded systems, CPU, memory, peripherals, timers, communication
Unit 2
Software tool chains used for development and testing of programs, project manager editor, assembler,
compiler, linker, locator, loader debugger, monitor and profiler, use of integrated development environment,
GNU, command line tools, build process in embedded systems
Unit 3
Software architecture for implementing various tasks, round robin with and without interrupts, function
queue scheduling architecture, real-time operating systems.
Unit 4
Hardware and software development methodology and use of hardware debugging aids like in circuit
emulators and logic analyzers.
Unit 5
Architecture of simple RTOS, definition of tasks, task controller, task information, scheduling priority,
shared data problems and mutual exclusion critical section implementation.
Unit 6
Intertask communication, semaphores, message queues, buffers pipes, reentrance issues, timer functions,
interrupts and I/O, designing a real time application using a RTOS like Vworks, μCOS II or embedded
Unit 7
Power optimization strategies for processes, ACPI, design case studies, Networked embedded system,
distributed embedded architecture, HW and SW architecture, IIC bus, CAN bus, Myrinet network based
design, communication analysis, system performance analysis, HW platform design, allocation and
scheduling, internet embedded systems. System design techniques.
Reference Books:
1. Simon DE; an embedded software primer; Pearson
2. Ayala K; 8051 programming and interfacing; Peram
3. Vahid F and Givargis T; Embedded system design...; John Wiley
4. Heath Steve; Embedded system designs; Oxford newness
Internet sites
www.embedded .com

1 comment:

  1. Most of the engineering students don’t know how to design and develop embedded systems or learn about embedded projects. Project centers will be right choice for everyone interested in learning about embedded systems.
