Management Information System
(MIS) definition, Objectives and benefits, MIS as strategic
tool, obstacles and challenges
for MIS, functional and cross functional systems, hierarchical
view of CBIS, structured and
unstructured decision, Operation and mgt support, Decision
process and MIS, info system
components and activities, Value chain and MIS support.
System concepts: types,
definition, characteristics, feedback (Pull) and feed-forward (Push)
control, system stress and
entropy, computer as closed system, law of requisite variety, open and
flexible (Adaptive) systems, work
system model and comparison with input-process-output
model, five views of work system:
structure, performance, infrastructure, context and risk and
their effect on product
Info concepts: define data, info,
knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. Information characteristics
and attributes, info measurement
and probability, characteristics of human as info processor.
Planning and control Concepts:
terminologies, difficulties in planning, system analysis and
development plan-purpose and
participants, info planning, (SDLC) system development life
cycle for in-house and licensed
sw, system investigation, analysis of needs, design and
implementation phases, training
of Operational personnel, evaluation, Control and Maintenance
of Information Systems.
E-business components and
interrelationship, Evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
from MRP, Supply chain management
(SCM) and Customer relationship management (CRM),
Integrated data model, strategic
and operational issues in ERP, Business Process Re-Engineering
(BPR), significance and
functions, BPR, information technology and computer NW support to
ERP Implementation, role of
consultants, vendors and users, customization, methodology of
ERP implementation and guidelines
for ERP implementation, ERP modules.
Reference books:
1. Davis and Olson, MIS, TMH
2. James O’ Brian, MIS, TMH
3. Business Process Re-Engineering,
Jayaraman, TMH.
4. ERP by V.K. Garg, PHI
5. ERP by Alex Leon, and manuals
of SAPP, MFG-pro.
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