The purpose of this subject is to cover the underlying concepts and techniques used in Advance
Computer Architecture. The Syllabus discusses principles of parallel algorithms design and
different parallel programming models
The students should have general Idea of Computer Organization. In addition, a familiarity with
Memory organization, Computational models is required.
Flynn’s Classification, System Attributes to Performance, Parallel computer models -
Multiprocessors and multicomputers, Multivector and SIMD Computers. Data and resource
dependences,Hardware and software parallelism,Program partitioning and scheduling, Grain
size and latency, Control flow, data flow and Demand driven mechanisms. Static
interconnection networks,Dynamic interconnection Networks: Bus Systems, Crossbar Switch,
Multiport Memory, Multistage and Combining Networks
Unit- II
Instruction set architecture, CISC Scalar Processors , RISC Scalar Processors, VLIW
architecture, Memory Hierarchy, Inclusion, Coherence and Locality, Memory capacity planning.
Interleaved memory organization- memory interleaving, pipelined memory access, Bandwidth
and Fault Tolerance. Backplane Bus System :Backplane bus specification, Addressing and
timing protocols, Arbitration transaction and interrupt.
Linear pipeline processor, Nonlinear pipeline processor, Instruction pipeline design,
Mechanisms for instruction pipelining, pipeline hazards, Dynamic instruction scheduling - score
boarding and Tomosulo’s algorithm, Branch handling techniques, Arithmetic Pipeline Design,
Static arithmetic pipeline, Multifunctional arithmetic pipelines. Superscaler pipeline design,
Super pipeline processor design.
Cache coherence, Snoopy protocols, Directory based protocols. Message routing schemes in
multicomputer network, deadlock and virtual channel. Vector Processing Principles, Vector
instruction types, Vector-access memory schemes. Vector supercomputer architecture, SIMD
organization: distributed memory model and shared memory model. Principles of Multithreading:
Multithreading Issues and Solutions, Multiple-Context Processors
Parallel Programming Models, Shared-Variable Model, Message-Passing Model, Data-Parallel
Model, Object-Oriented Model, Functional and Logic Models, Parallel Languages and
Compilers, Language Features for Parallelism, Parallel Programming Environment, Software
Tools and Environments.
Suggested Reading:
1. Kai Hwang, “Advanced computer architecture”, TMH.
2. J.P.Hayes, “computer Architecture and organization”; MGH.
3. V.Rajaranam & C.S.R.Murthy, “Parallel computer”; PHI Learning.
4. Kain,”Advance Computer Architecture: - A System Design Approach”, PHI Learning
5. M.J Flynn, “Computer Architecture, Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design”; Narosa
6. Hwang and Briggs, “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”; MGH.
7. David E. Callav & Jaswinder Pal Singh Marge Kaufmann”Advance Computer Architecture”,
EIS India.
8. Sajjan G. Shiva, Taylar & Francis, “Advance Computer Architecture
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