Saturday, 22 February 2014

CS-501 – Data Communication

The purpose of this subject is to cover the underlying concepts and techniques used in Data
Communication. In this subject , various principles, standards for
communication over different type of Communication Media are discussed.
The students should have general idea about the analog and digital communication.
Data Communication: Introduction, Components, data representation ,data flow and basic
model , Serial & Parallel transmission , Modes of data transmission, Encoding: Unipolar, Polar,
Bipolar, Line & Block codes.
Data compression: Lossy & Lossless techniques. Review of analog & digital
transmission methods.
Multiplexing: Introduction & History, FDM, TDM, WDM, Synchronous & Statistical TDM.
Spread spectrum: Frequency Hopping & Direct Sequence. Terminal handling & Polling.
Network Switching Techniques: Circuit, Message, Packet & Hybrid. X.25, ISDN.
Physical Layer: Introduction, Interface, Standards, EIA-232-D, RJ-45, RJ-11, BNC connector &
EIA-449 digital Interface: Connection, specifications & configuration. Modem: Types, features,
signal constellation, block schematic. Connecting Devices: Active and Passive Hubs,
Repeaters, Bridges, Two & Three layer switches & Gateway. Network Topologies and their
comparative study.
Transmission Media: Transmission line characteristics, distortions, Crosstalk. Guided Media:
Twisted Pair, Baseband & Broadband Coaxial, Fiber Optic Cable. Unguided media:
Electromagnetic polarization , Rays and waves front , Electromagnetic spectrum, Radiation &
Propagation of Waves, Inverse square law , Wave attenuation and absorption, Terrestrial
Propagation, Skip distance , Radio waves, Microwave , Infrared & Satellite Communication
system .
Telephone Network: Components, LATAs, signaling and Services, Digital Subscriber Line:
ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, VDSL, Cable TV network for data transfer.
Transmission Errors : Content Error , Flow integrity error , Error detection ,Error correction ,
Bit error rate.
Error detection & Correction methods: Parity checking, Checksum Error Detection, Cyclic
Redundancy Check , Hamming Distance , Interleaved codes , Block Parity , Convolution code,
Hardware Implementation, Checksum .

Suggested Text Books:
1. Gupta Prakash C. “Data communication”, PHI Learning
2. Forouzan, “Data communication and Networking”, 5e, TATA Mc Graw
3. Godbole A., “Data Communication & Network” , TMH
4. Miller, “ Data Network and Comunication”, Cengage Delmar Learning
5. Stallings William , “Data & Computer Communication”, Pearson Education
Suggested Reference Books:
1. Tanenbum A.S. “Computer Network”, Pearson Education.
2. Kennedy G., “Communication Systems” MGH

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