Review of Mathematical Priliminaries
: Set,
Relations and functions, Graphs and trees, string, alphabets
and languages. Principle of
induction, predicates and propositional calculus.
Theory of Automation : Definition, description,
DFA,NFA, Transition systems,2DFA, equivalence of
DFA & NDFA, Regular expressions,
regular grammer, FSM with output (mealy and moore models),
Minimisation of finite automata.
Formal Languages : Definition & description,
Pharse structured grammars & their classification,
Chomskey classification of
languages, closure properties of families of language, regular grammar,
regular set & their closure
properties, finite automata, equivalence of FA and regular expression,
equivalence of two way finite
automata, equivalence of regular expressions.
Context-Free grammar & PDA : Properties unrestricted
grammar & their equivalence, derivation tree
simplifying CFG, unamb-productions,
normal form for CFG, Pushdown automata, 2Îiguifying
way PDA, relation of PDA with CFG,
Determinism & Non determinism in PDA & related theorems,
parsing and pushdown automata.
Turing Machine : Model, design, representation
of TM, language accepted by TM, universal turing
machine, determine &
non-determinism in TM, TM as acceptor/generator/algorithms, multidimentional,
multitracks, multitape, Two way
infinite tape, multihead, Halting problems of TM.
Computability : Concepts, Introduction to
complexity theory, Introduction to undecidaibility, recursively
enumerable sets, primitive recursive
functions, recursive set, partial recursive sets, concepts of linear
bounded Automata, context sensitive
grammars & their equivalence.
1. Hopcroft & Ullman
“Introduction to Automata theory, languages & Computation” , Narosha
Publishing house.
2. Lewish Papadimutrau “Theory of
Computation” , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. Peter linz, “An Introduction to
formal language and automata”, Third edition, Narosa publication.
4. Marvin L. Minskay “Computation :
Finite & Infinite Machines”, PHI.
5. Mishra & Chander Shekhar
“Theory of Computer Science (Automate, Language & Computations),
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