Saturday, 6 July 2013

MCA-104 Computer organization and Assembly Language Programming:

Representation of Information: Number systems, integer and floating-point representation, character codes
(ASCII, EBCDIC), Error detection and correction codes : parity check code,cyclic redundancy
code,Hamming code . Basic Building Blocks: Boolean Algebra, Simplification of Boolean Function.
Combinational blocks: gates, multiplexers, decoders,Implementation of Boolean Function in form of
gates etc. Sequential building blocks: flip-flops, Registers : Buffer register, Right &Left Shift register,
Bidirectional Shift register. Counters : Ripple counter,Binary Counter,MOD-10 Counter,Ring Counter.
ALU, Random access memory etc.
Register Transfer Language and Micro-operations: concept of bus, data movement among registers, a
language to represent conditional data transfer, data movement from/to memory. Design of simple
Arithmetic & Logic Unit & Control Unit, arithmetic and logical operations Along with register transfer,
timing in register transfer.
Architecture of a simple processor: A simple computer organization and instruction set, instruction
formats, addressing modes, instruction cycle,instruction execution in terms of microinstructions, interrupt
cycle ,concepts of interrupt and simple I/O organization,Synchronous & Asynchronous data transfer,Data
Transfer Mode : Program Controlled, Interrupt driven, DMA(Direct Memory Access). implementation of
processor using the building blocks.
Assembly Language programming: Pin Diagram of 8086, Architecture of 8086,Addresing Mode of
8086,detailed study of 8086/8088 assembly language, instruction set of 8086, loops and Comparisons,
conditions and procedures, arithmetic operations in assembly language. Simple Assembly Language
program of 8086. illustrations using typical programs like: table search, subroutines, symbolic and
numerical manipulations and I/O.
Memory organization: Secondary Memory, Primary Memory :Random access memory, Read Only
memory basic cell of static and dynamic RAM, Building large memories using chips, Concept of
segmentation & Paging, Associative memory, cache memory organization, virtual memory organization.

1. M. Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, PHI, 3rd edition, 1993
2. Govindarajalu “Computer Architecture & Organisation”.
3. Liu and Gibson, “8086/8088 Micro processor Assembly Language”.
4. M.Mano “Digital Logic & Computer Design”
5. Malvino, “Digital Computer Electronics”.


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