Saturday, 3 August 2013

MCTA- 103 Object Oriented Modeling and UML

Unit 1
Object Oriented Concepts: Objects and classes, methods messages, encapsulation,
interface, implementation, reuse, inheritance and polymorphism, object oriented
development life cycle. UML: Class relationships in UML, use cases, sequence
diagrams, state models and activity diagrams.
Unit 2
Structural Modelling: Classes, Advance Classes, Relationships, class diagrams,
interfaces, packages, instances and object diagrams.
Unit 3
Behavioral Modelling: modelling interaction, use cases, interaction diagrams, activity
diagrams, events, signals, state machines, process, threads, time, space, state chart
Unit 4
Architectural Modelling: Components, deployment, collaborations, pattern,
frameworks, component & deployment diagram. An overview of CORBA, Java beans
and .NET.

Reference Books:
1. G Booch, J Rambaugh. Ivar Jacobson, The UML User guide, Pearson Education.
2. Eric Brande, Software Design, John Wiley & Sons.
3. David William Brown, An Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis”, John Wiley
4. Booch, Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, Addision Wesley.
5. Schach, Stephen R., An introduction to Object Oriented Systems Analysis and

Design with UML and unified process, 2003, TMH.

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