Saturday, 3 August 2013

MCTA- 104 Advance DBMS

Unit 1
DBMS Concept introduction, data models, E-R diagram, Keys, Relational database
schemas, integrity constraints, relational algebra and calculus, normalization, normal
Unit 2
Indexing, Query processing and optimization, concurrency control.
Distributed database: fragmentation transparency, distributed query processing and
optimization, distributed transaction modal and concurrency control, distributed
deadlock and commit protocol.
Unit 3
Object oriented and object relational databases: specialization generalization,
aggregation and association, object, object identity, architecture of object oriented
and object relational databases.
Unit 4
Web databases: accessing databases through web, web server, XML database.
Unit 5
Introduction to image and multimedia database and data structure. Data structure
RTree, K-D tree, Quad tree, content based retrieval: color histogram.

Reference Books:
1.R. Elmasri, S. Navathe, Benjamin Cumming, Fundamentals of Database system
2. H.F. Korth and A. Silberschatz, Database concept, (II ed) McGraw Hill, 1991
3. C.J. Date, An Introduction to Database System Volume I (V ed), Addision Wesley
4. Narang, Object Oriented Database, Prentice – Hall of India, New Delhi.

5. W. Kim “Modern Database System”, 1995, Acin Press, Addision – Wesley.

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