Saturday, 3 August 2013

MCTA – 301(B) Web Engineering

Introduction: layering, DNS - encapsulation, de-multiplexing, client /server model, port numbers,
standardization process, the Internet. Link layer: introduction, Ethernet and IEEE 802 encapsulation, trailer
encapsulation, SLIP, PPP- Loop back interface, MTU.
Internet protocol: introduction, IP header, IP routing, subnet addressing, subnet mask- special case of IP
addresses, a subnet example. Address Resolution Protocol: Introduction, an example, ARP cache, ARP
packet format, ARP examples, Proxy ARP, ARP command.
RARP: Introduction, RARP packet format, RARP examples, RARP server design. ICMP: Introduction,
ICMP message types, ICMP address mask request and reply- ICMP timestamp request and reply- 4.4 BSD
processing of ICMP Messages.
Ping Program: Introduction, ping program, IP record route option, IP Time stamp option. Trace route
program: Introduction, trace route program operation, LAN output, and WAN output- IP source routing
option. IP routing: Introduction, routing principles, ICMP host, and ICMP redirect errors. Dynamic Routing
protocols: introduction, dynamic routing, RIP-OSPF, BGP, CIDR.
UDP: introduction, UDP header, UDP checksum, IP Fragmentation, UDP Server design. DNS Introductionbasics,
message format, simple example, pointer quires, resource records, caching, UDP. TFTP:
introduction, protocol, security. BOOTP: introduction, packet format, server design, through router.
TCP: Introduction, services, headers, connection establishment and termination, timeout of connection
establishment- maximum segment size- half, close, state transition diagram, reset segments, simultaneous
open and close- options, server design.
SNMP Introduction, protocol, structure of management information, object identifiers, management
information base, instance identification. Telnet: rlogin protocols, examples, telnet protocol and examples.
FTP, protocol, examples, SMTP protocols, examples, NFS, TCP/IP Applications.
Reference Books :
1. W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated Volume-I "The Protocols ", Addison W 2.
Jaiswal .S, TCP\IP Principles, Architecture, Protocols And Implementation, First

Edition, Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd.

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