Saturday, 3 August 2013

MCTA – 302(E) Parallel Computing & MCTA – 301(C) Real Time & Fault Tolerant System

Parallel processing, Parallel computer structure, designing of parallel algorithms, analyzing algorithms,
general principles of parallel computing, Parallel sorting algorithms Batcher’s bitonic sort, Bitonic sort using
the perfect shuffle, parallel bubble sort, add-even transport sort, Tree sort, quicksort, sorting on the CRCW,
CRFW, EREW models, searching a sorted sequence, CREW, CRCW & EREW searching, searching on a
random sequence EREW, ERCW, CREW & CRCW searching on SIMD computers, searching on a Tree,
mesh, A Network for merging, merging on the CRFW, ERFW models, Computing Fourier Transforms,
computing the DFT in parallel, a parallel FFT algorithm.
Reference Books:
1. Design & Analysis of Parallel Algorithm by Salim & Akl, PHI.

2. Design Efficient Algorithm for Parallel Computers by Michel J. Quinn, TMH

MCTA – 301(C) Real Time & Fault Tolerant System
Fault detection and diagnosis. System Reliability and methods of improving it. Theory of redundant system
design. Fault tolerant circuit design. Fault tolerant architectures.
Components of a real time system. Real time operating system., tasks and task scheduling, task
synchronization and data transfer factors in selecting a real time operating system. The design specifications,
the development environment, ASM Diagram and Data flow analysis. Response time specification.
Reference Books :
1. " Real Time System"-C.M Krishna and Kang G.Shin, TMH.
2. "Software Design for Real Time Systems"- J.E.Cooling, Chapman & Hall Pub.

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